Friday 10 December 2010

The genre of 'Gangster' and themes

We are working in the film genre of gangster. Though this provides a large number of themes, conventions, and toolkits for devising creatively, we wanted to make sure this didn't limit us.

Films of this genre typically involve a man fighting for or against an organisation. An example of this is the film-noir classic 'The Big Heat' (1953) by Fritz Lang, where an ex detective bent on revenge goes out to destroy a large-scale crime operation.

Crucially, we are using a female protaganist and we feel that this allows us to discuss the ideas of female strength, father-daughter relationships, and play with vulnerability and naivité using the stereotype of a young girl as a catalyst. A convention often featured in films of this type is the ambiguity of this good-bad definition -- a bad character might seeming uncharacteristic tendencies of compassion or a good character lapses into a senseless and dark pursuit of revenge. The theme of revenge is a very effective way of portraying this ambiguity, where a character 'sees red' and is dangerously obsessive. This links back into the vulnerability as a character might have a point of self-realisation.

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